Website Terms of Use and Disclaimers

By using this Internet website (the “Site”), visitors agree to the following Terms of Use. We may modify these Terms of Use at any time and without notice, and any changes will be posted here.

This Site provides general information about Spears & Imes LLP (the “Firm”), and is not intended to convey legal advice in any respect on any subject matter. Visitors to this Site should not act, or refrain from acting, based on any information conveyed on this Site and should always seek the legal advice of competent counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. The Firm expressly disclaims all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this Site.

The content of this Site may be considered advertising for legal services under the laws and rules of professional conduct of the jurisdictions in which we practice.

Use of this Site does not create an attorney-client relationship between visitors to this Site and the Firm, nor will any information visitors submit to us via the Site or by electronic mail be considered an attorney-client communication or otherwise be treated as confidential or privileged in the absence of a pre-existing, express agreement by us to the contrary.